Assessment Factor | Ranking Points |
Factor 1: Language Proficiency |
First Official Language |
CLB 8 or higher | 25 per band |
CLB 7 | 22 per band |
CLB 6 | 20 per band |
CLB 5 | 17 per band |
CLB 4 | 12 per band |
CLB 3 or lower | 0 |
Second Official Language |
CLB 5 or higher (overall) | 25 |
Maximum Points – Factor 1 | 125 |
Factor 2: Age |
18 | 20 |
19 | 30 |
20 | 40 |
21 to 45 | 75 |
46 | 40 |
47 | 30 |
48 | 20 |
49 | 10 |
50 or older | 0 |
Maximum Points – Factor 2 | 75 |
Factor 3: Work Experience |
Less-than 1 year | 0 |
1 year | 40 |
2 years | 50 |
3 years | 60 |
4 years or more | 75 |
Fully recognized by provincial licensing body | 100 |
Maximum Points – Factor 3 | 175 |
Factor 4: Education |
Master’s degree or Doctorate | 125 |
Two post-secondary programs of at least 2 years each | 115 |
One post-secondary program of three years or more | 110 |
One post-secondary program of two years | 100 |
One-year post-secondary program | 70 |
Trade Certificat | 70 |
No formal post-secondary education | 0 |
Maximum Points – Factor 4 | 125 |
Factor 5: Adaptability |
Connection |
Close relative in Manitoba | 200 |
Previous work experience in Manitoba (6 months or more) | 100 |
Completed post-secondary program in Manitoba (2 years or more) | 100 |
Completed post-secondary program in Manitoba (one year) | 50 |
Close friend or distant relative in Manitoba | 50 |
Manitoba Demand |
Ongoing employment in Manitoba for 6 months or more with long-term job offer from the same employer | 500 |
Invitation to Apply under a Strategic Initiative | 500 |
Regional Development |
Immigration destination in Manitoba is outside of Winnipeg | 50 |
Maximum Points – Factor 5 | 500 |
Factor 6: Risk Assessment |
Close relative in another province and no close relative in MB | 0 |
Work experience in another province | -100 |
Studies in another province | -100 |
Previous immigration application to another province | 0 |
Maximum Points – Factor 6 | -200 |
Maximum Overall Points: 1000 |